How To Withdraw My Money From Cowrywise Before Maturity Date

Investing and saving for the future is a commendable financial strategy, and platforms like Cowrywise have made it more accessible and convenient than ever. Cowrywise offers investment plans that allow you to set money aside for a specific duration, promising growth, and financial security when the investment matures.

However, life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and there may come a time when you need access to your invested funds before the scheduled maturity date. Whether it's for an unforeseen emergency, a new financial opportunity, or a change in your financial goals, understanding how to withdraw your money from Cowrywise while adhering to their terms is crucial.

In this article, we will put you through a step-by-step process, to Withdraw My Money From Cowrywise Before the Maturity Date

Reasons For Withdrawing Before Maturity

There can be various reasons why you may want to withdraw your money from Cowrywise before the maturity date. 

Here are a few common scenarios:

  1. Unexpected financial emergencies: Life is unpredictable, and sometimes emergencies arise that require immediate funds. Withdrawing your money early from Cowrywise can help you access the funds you need to handle these situations.
  2. Change in financial goals: Your financial goals may change over time, and you may decide that investing your money in a different avenue would be more beneficial. Withdrawing your money from Cowrywise allows you the flexibility to reallocate your funds as needed.

Remember, while early withdrawal can have its benefits, it's important to consider the potential impact on your long-term financial goals and any penalties or fees associated with withdrawing before maturity.

Process To Withdraw My Money From Cowrywise Before Maturity Date

If you find yourself needing to withdraw your money from Cowrywise before the maturity date, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your Cowrywise account: Visit the Cowrywise website or open the Cowrywise app and log in using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the "Withdraw" option: Once logged in, look for the "Withdraw" option on the menu or dashboard. Click on it to proceed.
  3. Choose the investment you want to withdraw from: If you have multiple investments with Cowrywise, select the specific one you wish to withdraw from. 
  4. Enter the withdrawal amount: Specify the amount you want to withdraw from your investment. Be aware of any minimum or maximum withdrawal limits.
  5. Confirm your withdrawal: Double-check all the details you entered, such as the withdrawal amount and the investment you selected. Once you are sure, click on the confirmation button to proceed.
  6. Wait for processing: After confirming your withdrawal, Cowrywise will process your request. The processing time may vary, so be patient while they finalize the transaction.
  7. Receive your funds: Once your withdrawal request is processed, the funds will be transferred to your designated bank account. You should receive a notification confirming the completion of the withdrawal.

Remember, each withdrawal request is subject to certain terms and conditions, such as fees or penalties.  

Alternative options for early withdrawal

While withdrawing your money from Cowrywise before the maturity date is an option, there are alternative options you can consider before making that decision. These alternatives may help you achieve your financial goals without incurring any penalties or fees. 

Here are a few alternatives to early withdrawal:

  1. Pause your investments: If you don't need the funds immediately, but want to stop contributing to your investment temporarily, you can choose to pause your investments on Cowrywise. This allows you to keep your money invested and continue growing while giving you the flexibility to resume contributions when you're ready.
  2. Modify your investment plan: Instead of completely withdrawing your funds, you can modify your investment plan on Cowrywise. This means you can change the amount you contribute or adjust the investment duration to align with your current financial needs.

Remember, before deciding to withdraw your money early, carefully evaluate all the alternatives available to you. Consider the potential impact on your long-term financial goals and weigh the pros and cons of each option.

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How do I unlock my money from Cowrywise?

Locked savings plans on Cowrywise can be unlocked on or after the maturity date chosen for the plan. To unlock your money, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Cowrywise website or app.
  2. Click on the "Stash" tab.
  3. Select the savings plan you want to unlock.
  4. Click on the "Unlock" button.

Cowrywise will send you an OTP to your registered phone number. Enter the OTP to confirm the unlock.

How do I know my Cowrywise maturity date?

The maturity date of your Cowrywise savings plan is the date on which your funds will be unlocked. You can find the maturity date of your savings plan on the plan details page.

What happens if I close my Cowrywise account?

If you close your Cowrywise account, your savings plans will be closed as well. You will not be able to withdraw any funds from your savings plans until they mature.

Does Cowrywise charge for withdrawal?

Cowrywise does not charge for withdrawal. However, your bank may charge a processing fee for withdrawals.

How do I withdraw money from Cowrywise on due date?

To withdraw money from Cowrywise on the due date, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Cowrywise website or app.
  2. Click on the "Stash" tab.
  3. Select the savings plan you want to withdraw from.
  4. Click on the "Withdraw" button.

Cowrywise will send you an OTP to your registered phone number. Enter the OTP to confirm the withdrawal.


In this blog post, we discussed how to withdraw your money from Cowrywise before the maturity date. We explored the reasons why someone may choose to withdraw early, such as unexpected financial emergencies, changes in financial goals, better investment opportunities, or personal circumstances. 

Before making a decision to withdraw your money early, it's important to carefully evaluate all the available options and consider the potential impact on your long-term financial goals. We encourage you to weigh the pros and cons and seek professional advice if needed. Remember, Cowrywise is there to support you on your financial journey.

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