Forgot My Palmcredit Password And Pin - How To Reset, Change And Recover Palmcredit Password And Pin

Are you a Palmcredit user who has forgotten your password or pin? If so, don't worry. We understand how frustrating it can be when you're trying to access your account and can't remember your login credentials. 

In this blog post, we'll provide some helpful tips on how to reset, change and recover your Palmcredit password and pin, so you can get back to using the service.

How To Reset Palmcredit Password And Pin 

To reset your PalmCredit password and PIN, you can typically follow these steps:

Resetting Your PalmCredit Password:

  • Open the PalmCredit app on your mobile device.
  • On the login page, you should see an option that says "Forgot Password" or "Reset Password." Tap on this option.
  • You will be prompted to enter your registered phone number or email address associated with your PalmCredit account. Provide the required information.
  • After entering your phone number or email address, click the "Submit" or "Reset Password" button.
  • PalmCredit will send you a verification code to your registered phone number or email address. Retrieve the code and enter it in the provided field.
  • Once the verification code is accepted, you will have the option to create a new password. Enter your new password and confirm it.
  • Save the changes, and your PalmCredit password will be successfully reset.

Resetting Your PalmCredit PIN:

The process for resetting your PalmCredit PIN may vary based on the specific features and options provided in the app. Here are general steps to follow:

  • Open the PalmCredit app and log in using your newly reset password.
  • Navigate to your account settings or profile section within the app. The location of this option may vary, so look for it in the app's menu or settings.
  • Within the account settings, look for an option related to security, PIN, or password.
  • Select the option to reset or change your PIN.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new PIN. PalmCredit may require you to confirm the new PIN to ensure accuracy.
  • Once you have successfully changed your PIN, make sure to use the new PIN for future transactions and account access.

If you encounter any difficulties during the password or PIN reset process in the PalmCredit app, it's advisable to reach out to PalmCredit's customer support for assistance. They can provide specific instructions and address any issues you may encounter during the process.

How To Change Palmcredit Password And Pin

To change your PalmCredit password and PIN, follow these steps: 

Changing Your PalmCredit Password:

  • Open the PalmCredit app on your mobile device.
  • Log in to your PalmCredit account using your current password.
  • Once logged in, navigate to your account settings or profile section. This is typically found in the app's menu or settings.
  • Look for an option related to security or password.
  • Select the option to change your password.
  • You will likely be prompted to enter your current password for verification and then create a new password.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new password and confirm it.
  • Save the changes, and your PalmCredit password will be successfully changed.

Changing Your PalmCredit PIN:

The process for changing your PalmCredit PIN may vary slightly depending on the specific features and options provided in the app. Here are general steps to follow:

  • Open the PalmCredit app and log in using your current password.
  • Navigate to your account settings or profile section within the app.
  • Look for an option related to security, PIN, or password.
  • Select the option to change your PIN.
  • You will likely be prompted to enter your current PIN for verification and then create a new PIN.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new PIN and confirm it.
  • Save the changes, and your PalmCredit PIN will be successfully changed.

How To Recover Palmcredit Password And Pin 

To recover your PalmCredit password and PIN, you can typically follow these steps:

Recovering Your PalmCredit Password:

  • Open the PalmCredit app on your mobile device.
  • On the login page, look for an option that says "Forgot Password" or "Reset Password." Tap on this option.
  • You will be prompted to enter your registered phone number or email address associated with your PalmCredit account. Provide the required information.
  • After entering your phone number or email address, click the "Submit" or "Reset Password" button.
  • PalmCredit will send you a verification code to your registered phone number or email address. Retrieve the code and enter it in the provided field.
  • Once the verification code is accepted, you will have the option to create a new password. Enter your new password and confirm it.
  • Save the changes, and your PalmCredit password will be successfully reset.

Recovering Your PalmCredit PIN:

The process for recovering your PalmCredit PIN may vary based on the specific features and options provided in the app. Here are general steps to follow:

  • Open the PalmCredit app on your mobile device.
  • Log in to your PalmCredit account using your current password.
  • Once logged in, navigate to your account settings or profile section within the app. The location of this option may vary, so look for it in the app's menu or settings.
  • Within the account settings, look for an option related to security, PIN, or password.
  • Select the option to reset or recover your PIN.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions, which may involve answering security questions or providing additional information for identity verification.
  • Once your identity is verified, you will likely be given the option to create a new PIN.
  • Follow the instructions to create a new PIN and confirm it.
  • Save the changes, and your PalmCredit PIN will be successfully recovered or reset.

If you encounter any difficulties during the password or PIN recovery process in the PalmCredit app, it's advisable to reach out to PalmCredit's customer support for assistance.

 Read Also: Forgot My Okash Password And Pin - How To Reset, Change And Recover Okash Password And Pin


What is the USSD code for Palmcredit loan?

Palmcredit does not have a USSD code for loans. You can only apply for a Palmcredit loan through the Palmcredit app.

What is Palmcredit account number?

Palmcredit does not have an account number. You do not need to provide an account number when you apply for a Palmcredit loan.

How do I complain to Palmcredit?

You can complain to Palmcredit by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Palmcredit website or app.
  2. Click on the "Contact Us" button.
  3. Select the issue you are having.
  4. Enter your details and a brief description of your issue.
  5. Click on the "Submit" button.

A Palmcredit customer service representative will contact you shortly.

Who is the owner of Palmcredit loan app?

The owner of Palmcredit loan app is Newedge Finance.

What happens if I don't repay Palmcredit loan?

If you do not repay your Palmcredit loan, you will be charged interest and penalties. You may also be blacklisted by Palmcredit and other lenders. In some cases, you may even be taken to court.


In conclusion, forgetting your Palmcredit password and pin can be a frustrating experience, but the good news is that it's not the end of the world. With the simple steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily reset, change, and recover your Palm Credit login credentials.

Whether you've forgotten your password or pin, Palm Credit provides user-friendly options to get you back into your account quickly and securely. Remember to choose a strong and memorable password or pin to ensure the security of your account. 

And if you ever find yourself stuck or needing additional assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to Palm Credits customer support. They're always ready to help you get back to using the Palmcredit service hassle-free.

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