How to Delete, Close or Deactivate My Moniepoint Account Without Stress

Closing or deactivating your Moniepoint account can be a straightforward process when you follow the necessary steps. Whether you no longer require the services provided by Moniepoint or you simply want to discontinue using the platform, understanding the procedure to close or deactivate your account can help ensure a hassle-free experience. 

By following the appropriate guidelines and taking the necessary precautions, you can successfully close or deactivate your Moniepoint account and have peace of mind knowing that your account is no longer active. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps and provide helpful tips to make the process of closing or deactivating your Moniepoint account as seamless as possible.

Moniepoint Account Closure Policies and Procedures

To ensure a smooth closure or deactivation of your Moniepoint account, it is important to familiarize yourself with the Moniepoint Account Closure Policies and Procedures. Here are the key steps involved:

  • Contact Moniepoint Customer Support: Reach out to Moniepoint customer support to initiate the account closure process. You can do this by calling their dedicated helpline at 1-800-555-1212 or by submitting a request through the official Moniepoint website.

  • Fund Transfer: When closing your account, all funds remaining in your Moniepoint account will be transferred to your linked bank account. It's important to note that this transfer process may take up to 10 business days to complete.

  • Account Closure Fee: Moniepoint may charge a nominal fee for closing your account. Typically, this fee amounts to #1000. Be prepared to settle any outstanding fees, interest, or charges that may be due at the time of closure.

  • Outstanding Balances: As the account holder, you are responsible for any outstanding balances on your Moniepoint account. This includes unpaid fees, balances, or interest. It's important to ensure all dues are settled before initiating the closure process.

  • Account Eligibility: Moniepoint reserves the right to refuse the closure of an account if there are any outstanding debts or obligations associated with it. This includes unpaid balances, fees, or interest that need to be addressed before account closure.

For further details and specific instructions, please refer to the Moniepoint Account Closure Policies and Procedures document, available on the official Moniepoint website.

Remember, once your Moniepoint account is closed, you will no longer have access to your Moniepoint card, online account, or mobile app. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the account closure process, feel free to reach out to Moniepoint customer support for assistance and guidance.

Steps to Delete, Close or Deactivate Your Moniepoint Account

To close or deactivate your Moniepoint account, follow these steps:

  • Contact Moniepoint Customer Support: Reach out to Moniepoint's customer support team to initiate the account closure or deactivation process. You can do this by calling their helpline at 1-800-555-1212 or by submitting a request through the official Moniepoint website.

  • Provide Account Information: When contacting customer support, you will be required to provide your Moniepoint account details, such as your account number, registered phone number, and any other necessary identification information.

  • Verify Your Identity: To ensure the security of your account, Moniepoint may request additional verification steps to confirm your identity. This could involve answering security questions or providing personal identification information.

  • Settle Outstanding Balances: Before closing your account, ensure that all outstanding balances, fees, and any pending transactions are settled. You will be responsible for any remaining dues on your account.

  • Transfer Remaining Funds: If you have any funds remaining in your Moniepoint account, they will be transferred to your linked bank account. This transfer process may take several business days to complete.

  • Confirm Account Closure: Once all necessary steps have been completed, Moniepoint will confirm the closure or deactivation of your account. You may receive a notification or confirmation email indicating that your account is closed.

  • Cease Account Access: After the closure or deactivation, you will no longer have access to your Moniepoint account, including the mobile app and associated services.

It's important to note that the specific procedures and requirements for closing or deactivating your Moniepoint account may vary. It's recommended to directly contact Moniepoint's customer support for precise instructions tailored to your account.

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Potential Challenges and Precautions to Consider

When closing your Moniepoint account, there are a few potential challenges and precautions to consider:

  • Account Balance: Ensure that you have cleared any outstanding balances, fees, or charges on your Moniepoint account before initiating the closure process. Failure to do so may result in complications or delays in closing your account.

  • Account Closure Fee: Moniepoint may charge a fee for closing your account. Familiarize yourself with the applicable fee and ensure that you have the necessary funds to cover it.

  • Account Verification: Depending on the closure process, you may be required to provide additional verification information to confirm your identity and ownership of the account. Prepare any necessary documentation or identification to facilitate a smooth closure.

  • Timing and Account Access: Consider the timing of your account closure and ensure that you have made any necessary arrangements to discontinue using your Moniepoint account. Once your account is closed, you will no longer have access to it, including any funds, transactions, or services associated with it.

  • Communication with Customer Support: If you encounter any difficulties or have questions during the account closure process, reach out to Moniepoint's customer support for assistance. They can provide guidance and address any concerns you may have.

  • Impact on Linked Services: If you have linked services, such as automatic payments or subscriptions, associated with your Moniepoint account, take the necessary steps to update your payment information or make alternative arrangements before closing the account. This will help avoid disruptions in services or payments.

  • Read Terms and Conditions: Review Moniepoint's terms and conditions regarding account closure to ensure that you understand the procedures, fees, and any specific requirements or limitations associated with closing your account.

By considering these challenges and taking the necessary precautions, you can streamline the process of closing your Moniepoint account and mitigate any potential issues or complications that may arise.


What is another name for Moniepoint POS? 

Moniepoint POS is also known as Moniepoint Terminal or Moniepoint Point of Sale.

How can I close my Moniepoint account? 

To close your Moniepoint account, you need to contact Moniepoint customer support. You can do this by calling their customer care number or submitting a request through their website. They will guide you through the account closure process.

How do I change my phone number on Moniepoint? 

To change your phone number on Moniepoint, you need to contact Moniepoint customer care and inform them about the change. They will guide you through the process of updating your phone number in their system.

How do I contact Moniepoint customer care? 

You can contact Moniepoint customer care by calling their customer care number. The exact number may vary, so it's best to visit the Moniepoint website or check your account information for the correct contact details.

Which bank owns Moniepoint PoS? 

Moniepoint PoS is owned by First Bank of Nigeria. It is a partnership between Moniepoint and First Bank to provide point-of-sale services to customers.


In conclusion, closing or deactivating your Moniepoint account can be a straightforward process if you follow the necessary steps and consider the potential challenges and precautions. By adhering to Moniepoint's account closure policies and procedures, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Remember to clear any outstanding balances, fees, or charges on your account before initiating the closure process. Be prepared to provide necessary verification information and account details to facilitate a seamless closure. Take the time to review Moniepoint's terms and conditions to understand the associated fees and requirements.

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